For the last few days, all these discussions about repeating questions, blatant cheating, already marked answers and what-nots have been plaguing my mind. Has the CAT gone to the dogs?
Not that I am desperately looking for an admission in the IIMs or that I am in need for a change from my job, but screwing up the CAT for no fault of yours definitely hurts.
Starting CBT was a brave attempt by the IIMs and I am sure that's the only way forward. But then bungling up the best exam of the country is not acceptable too. IIMs and Prometric must accept that they have fucked up BIG time. They may not take a retest, but they must accept that they have faltered the first time. Coming out in open honestly about their mistakes will help students regain trust in them.
They should also come out with a well defined strategy of how they plan to normalise the scores, keeping in context all the allegations of cheating and repeating questions. Atleast come out with the marking schema, goddamnit!!
We all know this is life, and in life shit happens. But then why so much secrecy by the IIMs about it!
It is sad that these system failures occur in a country where we pride in selling software and hardware that runs on a fail-safe mode 24/7.!
I know...and the sad part is that I am a part of the same industry. :(
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