Yesterday while talking to my boss (BTW he is the only one I still consider to be my boss, apart

Now, back to the main topic. Do social networks work? For the past decade, we have seen numerous social networks coming and then fizzling out. MySpace, Friendster, Orkut and now Facebook. All have seen the same story. People get excited when they are launched. Call all their friends to join them. They form groups and communities. They chat all night long. But then after that what? They move on to the next big thing... Twitter.
For the fear of being called a hypocrite, I would like to admit that I have also been a part of all the bandwagons. Be it Orkut, MySpace, Blogs, Facebook or Twitter. You can find my profiles on all of them. But then I become bored like the rest of you and move on.
There are three things and only three things that really sell in this world. Sex, knowledge and food. That is why you see all the Porn sites being so popular and Google making tonnes of money. Online economies around these three will always remain popular and viable. The rest as they say will become history.
BTW with the much hyped IPOs of all the SNSes, I seriously feel there is another dot com burst brewing. So cash in your stocks and come back to the real world!!